We run a groundbreaking online platform to promote the best employers for engineering apprenticeships nationwide and inspire the next generation…
The platform is aimed at teachers and school careers advisers, providing them with information and resources to inspire and inform students about the career opportunities engineering presents – whilst enabling effective signposting to the best employers locally to them for those interested in engineering apprenticeships.

Companies featured within the Directory are positioned as ‘exemplar employers of choice’ for engineering apprenticeships and the goal of the platform is to give them the quality exposure they deserve, whilst helping young people to make the best choice for where to pursue their engineering apprenticeship.
How do school and college careers leaders access the platform?
- Access to the platform is made available to school and college careers leaders and tutors nationwide
- For every company featured within the Directory, our team researches up to 10 local school and college Careers Leaders and invites them to access the platform
- We run quarterly webinars for school and college Careers Leaders, where we inform about the platform and its’ value as an engineering careers resource
Interesting in learning more about how your company could benefit from promotion within the platform?